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قديم 24-03-2010, 04:20 PM رقم المشاركة : 1
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jhft Exclusive . Prediabetes For Dummies

Exclusive . Prediabetes For Dummies

Prediabetes For Dummies By Alan L. Rubin MD
Publisher: For Dummies 2009-12-02 | 384 Pages | ISBN: 0470523018 | PDF | 3 MB

Accessible information on the causes, health risks, and treatment of prediabetes

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with prediabetes – a heightened level of glucose, and/or impaired glucose tolerance - the time to act is now. Prediabetes For Dummies examines the signs and symptoms of this potential precursor to diabetes and offers up-to-date information about treatment. It provides clear, practical advice on steps you can take to minimize the risk of serious health consequences.

This plain-English guide shows you how to stop prediabetes in its tracks and prevent it from progressing to diabetes. You'll learn how to recognize the symptoms of this often-undiagnosed condition, and what to do if you think you may be prediabetic. You'll also discover how simple lifestyle changes, such as changes in your diet and moderate exercise, can put the brakes on prediabetes and even reverse the condition.

•Offers clear explanations of prediabetes causes, health risks, and treatment
•Includes the latest advances in the use of diabetes medications to treat prediabetes
•Provides diet suggestions, meal plans, and exercise tips
•Contains helpful suggestions for friends and family members who want to support a loved one with prediabetes
While there is no cure for diabetes, it can be prevented if prediabetes is diagnosed and treated early. Packed with valuable information for patients of all ages, Prediabetes For Dummies is an important resource for taking control of this dangerous condition.






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